Veterinary Reproductive Services
Dr. Vanderlip offers reproductive services
Veterinary services in canine reproduction
- Surgical services include Cesarian sections, ovariohystectomy, castration, and more
- Artificial inseminations: transcervical and surgical using frozen, chilled-extended, or fresh semen
- Semen collection, analysis, enhancing, cooling, freezing, shipping, storage
- Specialized sperm retrieval techniques, including post-mortem or at time of castration
- Kits for collecting and shipping fresh chilled semen
- Kits for shipping semen for freezing or storage
- DNA kits for compliance with registries
- Shipping of frozen canine semen domestically and internationally
- Examination and evaluation for breeding soundness
- Diagnosing and managing infertility cases
- Wide variety of laboratory tests
- Ultrasound imaging
- Other veterinary reproductive services
Dr. Vanderlip has 38 years extensive experience in reproductive medicine and surgery, including laparoscopic follicle aspiration,myometrial biopsy, embryo transfer, semen collection and freezing, transcervical and surgical artificial insemination techniques, and Cesarian sections. Dr. Vanderlip has collaborated on reproductive projects with the Zoological Society of San Diego, the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, the Salk Institute, Stanford University, Cornell University, and the National Regional Primate Center. More than 30 years ago, Dr. Vanderlip authored the first publication on successful induction of estrus in anestrous bitches using pulsatile GnRH.